Friday, November 20, 2015

Uta's Tattoos: Jester

The jester was performer who entertained people at courts, fairs and markets. They emerged from different backgrounds including poets, musicians, and scholars. They were known as jesters, court jesters, and fools; and used various skills such as songs, music, storytelling, acrobatics, juggling, telling jokes and magic to entertain the common folk. Basically, a jester is one who jests, jokes or mocks.

The word jester did not come into use until the mid-16th century. It derives from gestour or jestour, originally Anglo-Normal (French) and it means storyteller or minstrel. The most ancient jesters were found in the fifth dynasty of Egypt around 2400 BC.

They were portrayed as a living expression of defiance against hypocrisy or ignorance. They confronted authority openly or subverted it while appearing to play along. A jester is a truth-teller in a world of lies that highlights the madness of the world with his wit.

Looking at Uta’s design, the jester’s face is that of a skull. The skull with a jester’s hat is a staple of Gothic imagery. It represents laughing at Death or Death laughing at you.

The jester is found on the trump card The Fool, which is the first card in the major arcana deck. This represents someone who is starting out on a journey. He is often portrayed standing at the edge of a cliff. This means stepping out into the unknown. It’s a card of new beginnings, fresh starts or changes in attitude. The fool makes no plans or gives no thoughts to consequences along the way. He is happy to do something different.

The traits of the fool are: innocence, beginning, simplicity, fresh start and blind faith.

Also present on the card is the rose, which I have talked about before since Uta has various rose designs throughout his tattoos.

Uta's Tattoos: Fingers

We’re taking a look into the tattoos on Uta’s fingers. There are many different variations on the internet but I’m using the original design from the TG Zakki book. This is actually a very interesting design and doesn’t seem as much at first glance. But there’s more to it than meets the eye (as with all of his tattoos). We’ll start with the center design since it’s the easiest to decipher.

There is clearly a visible face here. Now this looks like two things: first, as a jester and second as the personification of Death. The personification of Death is quite obvious since you can see the white face with the black details (the skull). But if you take a better look you can see the details of a jester. Let’s start with the design surrounded the face. They look like white circular designs and these are similar to the collar that the jesters wore. It even seems to have two bells at the end as well. Now let’s look at the top of the face. It’s kind of hard to see but I have outlined it in the photo. You can see the design of the pointy hats they used to wear, complete with the bells at the tips.

This is the only noticeable image I can see from this tattoo. But looking at the rest of it, there are some other things in there. Like for example, the design underneath the jester/death looks like the face of a clown. Then the surrounding area of the center face can either be a crown or a pirate’s hat. But it strongly resembles a mitre/miter which is the hat that the Bishops (and Pope) use in traditional Christianity. The Bishop isn’t only a religious figure but it’s also the name of one of the pieces used in the game of chess.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Renji Yomo's Zodiac Sign

Renji’s birthday is on July 9 making him a Cancer. Cancers are symbolized by the crab who casts off its shell for a new one, associating it with rebirth/cycling. Additionally, the crab is present on the Moon tarot card. This sign is ruled by the moon, its element is water and its colors are blue, green and silver. Blue means intuition, green means healing and silver represents receptivity and keen intuition.

Traits: tender, loving, loyal, sympathetic, protective, kind-hearted, caring, affectionate, reflects a deep influence in others, unpredictable, hermit, they enjoy home-cooking, introverts, hoarders, sensitive, silent, moody, intuitive, and imaginative. Family is important to them and if they don’t have a family, they will create one from close friends and associates. They enjoy being surrounded by mementos and are reluctant to let go of the past. They also absorb negativity like paper.

Renji Yomo's Name

I couldn’t find much on the meaning of his name. I did read online that Renji means “second love” or “yearning love” in Japan. 

Let’s take a look at what Yomo’s name means in numerology form. As we did before, we’re going to add the letters together by using a numbered table from 1-9. We’ll then add the vowels to get the heart number, the consonants for the expression number and figure out his personality number by adding both.

So his full name is Renji Yomo. The vowels are: 5+9+7+6+6=33; 3+3=6. His heart number is 6. The consonants are: 9+5+1+4=19; 1+9=10; 1+0=1. His expression number is 1. Adding both vowels and consonants equals 7, this is the personality number.

Expression (1): Noticeably confident, may seem arrogant, is popular, finds it easy to make friends, very supportive. The number one is a powerful number. It represents unity and wholeness. It’s the first masculine number and it’s the number of beginnings. It’s considered to be the number of God and the universe. Symbolizes the sun.

Heart (6): Extremely kind-hearted, considerate and loving. They make an excellent partner, colleague, parent and friend. They’re strongly creative and artistic. The number six is a harmonious number. It’s associated with love, service, responsibility and balance. It’s linked to the planet Venus and symbolized by the six pointed star.

Personality (7): Strongly psychic with powerful intuitions and vivid dreams. Music plays a vital role in their lives. They have a need for solitude and live inside their heads. The number seven is associated with philosophy, spiritual insights and inner contemplation. It is linked to Neptune.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Uta and the Kitsune

In Japanese folklore the fox is known as a Kitsune and are believed to possess superior intelligence, long life and magical powers. They are shapeshifters who can assume human forms when they reach the age of 100. Kitsunes have nine tails out of which only one is the main source of their power. There are two class types of kitsune: the zenko and the yako. Zenkos are benevolent and associated to the god Inari while the yako are mischievous or even malicious.

There are thirteen different types of kitsune with each one representing an element: heaven, void, wind, spirit, fire, earth, river, ocean, mountain, forest, thunder, time and sound.

*in relation to Uta's tattoo of the fox

Uta's Tattoos: The Fox

Uta has the face of a fox tattooed on his right forearm. It is located above his wrist in between the two heads of serpents. The fox seems to have a bindi (the point or dot in the center; this is commonly used in India) on its forehead. The bindi is used as a reminder throughout the day about all the activities and purpose of life. It is the achievement of self-realization.

The fox represents the solar emblem and are known to be shapeshifters who adapt well to their surroundings. The fox symbolizes thinking outside of the box and using our intelligence in creative ways.

Their traits are: cunning, strategy, quick-thinking, adaptable, cleverness, wisdom, passion, desire, intensity, and expression.

The fox represents different things to each culture. In China the fox symbolizes the afterlife and seeing one is a signal from a spirit. For the Celts, they were viewed as guides and were honored for their wisdom. In Japan, the fox is considered a rain spirit and a messenger for the god Inari (rice god). It symbolizes longevity and protection from evil. And for the Native Americans, the animal was seen as either a noble messenger or a trickster.

While hunting the fox assumes the position of a pointing arrow. This symbolizes determination. One of the most important aspects for a fox is freedom. They do not like being locked up or forced to do something they don’t want to. They also enjoy playing tricks on others, often taking and hiding things from them.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Uta's Tattoos: Snakes (part 2)


You have probably seen this symbol a lot. It’s often used in the medical profession (as an error since it was confused with the staff of Asclepius, which was the god of medicine/healing in Greece and therefore symbolizes health, medicine and healing). The caduceus was also carried by the Egyptian god Anubis and goddess Isis. 

The symbol is basically a staff with wings with two serpents intertwined around it, facing one another. The spiraling serpents symbolize an expansion of knowledge. The heads of the twining serpents (facing each other) is a symbol of settled quarrels, commerce, trade, transportation, communication and enterprise. The staff/wand/rod symbolizes transference between body and mind, and the wings are symbolic of ascension.

The caduceus is related to the god Hermes, who was the messenger of the gods and known as the “prince of thieves” and the god of commerce. It was viewed as the emblem of life and displayed on healing temples in Greece. The symbol represents power over wealth, prosperity, happiness, dreams, strength and wisdom.

The caduceus means different things for various cultures. In Hindu symbolism it represents the central spirit of the human body. The serpents represent a human’s DNA pattern – the double helix. In Greece and Rome it represented the four elements (air, fire, water, earth). In Roman times, it was used as a symbol of peace or neutrality in battle.

Uta's Tattoos: Snakes (part 1)

Uta has two serpents entwined on his right arm. Their heads meet at the wrist with the face of a fox between them. Their bodies intertwine higher up forming what seems to be the number eight with two flowers between them.

The snake is the universal symbol of rebirth and renewal due to the shedding of its skin. It deals with the primordial life force and it is associated with the element of water (water represents emotion, love and motion). The snake represents initiation, wisdom, patience, fertility, eternity, balance, cunning, intuition, awareness, healing, intellect, protection, solemnity, rejuvenation, transformation, occult knowledge, Ying-Yang and duality.


The double-snake represents duality, the unification of polar opposites, communication and balance. Additionally, the opposing snakes symbolize the ying and yang. The dualities represented are: male/female, light/dark, water/fire, left/right, illness/health, binding/loosing, wax/wane, separation/union, sun/moon, upper/lower, asleep/awake.

The double snake is present on the image of the caduceus. If we look carefully at Uta’s tattoo, we can say that it’s the exact representation of this staff.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Uta's Flower Tattoos (part 3)


The narcissus flower is the flower for the Sun sign Sagittarius. It is a Chinese flower said to bestow the flowering of our hidden talents. It is reputed to increase the hard work put into a career. Uta has this flower tattooed on every point of the cross. The narcissus symbolizes: influential, philosophical, direct, trustworthy, having a sensitive side not shared with many, honesty, wise, good luck, strength, an active imagination and dreams. Narcissus was also a Greek hunter known for his beauty who fell in love with his reflection and drowned.

Uta's Tattoos: Equal Armed Cross

Uta has eight equal armed crosses tattooed on his hip. This symbolizes the human desire for knowledge and experience. It embodies the unification between ethereal and material. This cross symbolizes self, nature, knowledge and God. It has different meanings to various cultures. For the Celts it symbolizes the meeting place for divine energies. For the Greeks, it symbolizes the four elements. The Native Americans saw it as a compass for guidance. In the Middle East it represents the four directions and the four winds.

The equal armed cross is present in three tarot cards: the Priestess, the Emperor, and Judgement. 

Again, the cross is a symbol for the planet Jupiter and is present in its glyph. Jupiter is the planet for the Sun sign Sagittarius, Uta’s zodiac sign.

Uta's Tattoos: The Cross

Uta has two tattoos of crosses on his right arm: one in the center of the kitsune’s forehead and the other is next to the body of the serpent. Additionally, he has a circle of eight (this number again!) equal armed crosses on his hips but we’ll get to that soon.

The cross symbolizes the human desire to know and experience the mysteries of life. Its meanings are hope, life, honor, faith, unity, balance, transition, temperance, ascension and navigation. Its symbolic stations are self, nature, wisdom and god/goddess. The cross is a symbol that represents the meeting place of the divine energies.

Each arm of the cross symbolizes a branch of higher wisdom with the center representing our spiritual destination. It also represents navigation. It’s a symbolic compass that guides our spiritual thoughts. You can say it divides itself into three different navigations: spiritual, cyclical and time. In spiritual it re-centers our focus and moves our thoughts in the right direction. In cyclical it symbolizes the transition of the seasons and is a reminder of the transition of time; the transitory nature of our lives. In time it marks the four seasons and delineates day and night.

The bars of the cross also have important meanings. The top half of the horizontal bar represents the sunrise while the bottom half represents the sunset. The vertical bar of the cross represents past and future with the center being the present.

The cross is a symbol for the planet Jupiter and is present in its glyph. Jupiter is the planet for the Sun sign Sagittarius, Uta’s zodiac sign.

Uta's Zodiac Sign: Jupiter


Jupiter is the planet for the Sun sign Sagittarius, which is Uta’s zodiac sign. The symbol for Jupiter is comprised of several elements including a cross. This symbolizes a meeting of ideas, a crossroads coming together to form two paths of philosophy. On Uta’s right arm he two different crosses tattooed on it (one above the fox’s face and the other right next to the serpent). Jupiter represents balance. The planet’s position of balance makes it ideal for justice, manifestation and perfect order.

The traits for Jupiter are: expansion, good luck, protection, wealth, abundance, higher education, optimism, experience, authority, generosity, supremacy, justice and of course balance.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Uta's Tattoos: Centaur & Arrows


The centaurs represent paradox – a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. They symbolize philosophy, learning, exploration, wisdom, the untamed, wild behavior vs. civilized nature (Uta is known to have been violent and sadistic during his younger years and appears to now be a different and calm person), duality (the bow is a female symbol, the arrow is male), light vs. dark, good vs. evil, man vs. beast (humans vs. ghouls) and balance.

The most notable centaur to symbolize Sagittarius is Chiron (Greek). He is always on an endless search for truth and logic. He also struggles between civilized thought and his primal nature. Sagittarians are known to be teachers and enjoy exploring. They like to share their discoveries with others and teach the world. However, they struggle with their wild nature. Another similar aspect between centaurs and Sagittarians is the aspect of duality. On one hand we have the untamed horse – scent, sight and senses. On the other we have the human – emotion, intellect, and intuition. 


Uta has various arrow designs in his tattoos if you look closely. He has one that is facing upward on his right arm and three facing downward on his left arm. Arrows are a symbol of the Sun sign Sagittarius and are present in the signs’ glyph. The arrow is symbolic of aim. Basically, it signifies having a clear aim to dreams or goals. Furthermore, it’s a symbol of being direct. The upward facing arrow means being grounded while aiming high and launching ideas. I couldn’t really find a meaning for downward facing arrows. Also, the arrows are a Navajo symbol. The triangle can be seen as a symbol for the arrow as well.

Uta's Tattoos: Fire Element


The alchemy symbol for fire is a triangle. Uta has numerous triangles throughout his tattoos. These represent upward mobility, forward motion, rising flames and aspirations to solar embodiment. Remember, he has many symbols related to the sun in his tattoos as well. The purposes for the fire symbol are meditation, affirmation, channeling, devotion (his devotion to his friendship with Yomo?), attention honing, free association (I always believed he isn’t really associated to anyone in particular. Maybe he’s a double agent), journeying.

Fire is present in the tarot card The Devil. The card represents being enslaved to something or someone. This could be an idea, relationship, a way of life, a job, a bad habit or a self-destructive attitude. Could Uta feel enslaved to the Clowns, his idea of fun, being a ghoul, and we know that he is a violent and sadistic individual. The traits of this card are ego, loss, error, addiction, illusion, disruption and enslavement.

The fire element’s general traits are: change, joy, strength, power, protection, change from one state to another, enlightenment, truth, knowledge, purification, related to birth and death – the cycle of life (again, Uta has various tattoos of circles which are linked to Ouroboros which symbolizes eternity and cycles of life), great destroyer, creativity, energy, passion, sexuality, authority, consumption, the untamed. The symbol of the triangle represents the male. It means action and movement; path to the truth, light, and transformation through self-motivated activities. It is a celestial sigil for Mars and the Sun.

Fire is also associated with the Sun sign Sagittarius which is Uta's zodiac sign.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Uta's Zodiac Sign

Uta's Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Uta was born on December 2nd. His birth year is unknown so we won’t be able to decipher his Chinese zodiac sign or his destiny number. So we’ll focus on his Sun sign instead, which is Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a centaur (half man, half horse) and they are symbolized by the archer. Their element is fire, they’re ruled by Jupiter and their colors are purple and blue. The color purple represents intelligence, truth, justice, humility and forgiveness. Blue represents truth, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, fidelity, peace, meditation, water, infinity, poetry, faith and protection.


  • Great optimists of the zodiac
  • They’re usually always right
  • They practically ask for trouble, they take chances and over commit themselves
    • His affiliation to the Clowns and he never really does hide anything
  • They like challenges
    • His constant fights with Yomo when they were younger and fighting without the use of his kagune
  • Power of positive thinking
  • Philosophical
  • It’s the sign of the teacher, the sage (someone who has attained wisdom) and the prophet
    • In the novel TG Blank Space, Uta is a mentor to a young ghoul named Asa
  • They have a wise streak, combining it with a love of taking risks
    • Again, not really hiding anything
  • They have a love for knowledge
  • They’re open-minded
  • They love to keep on the move mentally or physically
  • Wary of emotional commitment (they prefer to remain free)
  • Restless
  • Honest
  • They don’t like to hurt others intentionally

Uta's Name

Uta's Name

Let's do something different that doesn't relate to tattoos. Let's see what Uta's name symbolizes by using numerology. We don't really know Uta's full name so I'll be doing this by using Uta.

The name Uta is of Japanese origin and means song. It is in fact a female name. It's related to the number 2, 4 and 6 (this relation is important soon). It's master number is 11 which promises strength and ascendancy (especially to those born on a 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th) over others. Fun fact: Uta was born on December 2nd.

The traits related to this name are: secretive, reserved, introverted, wary by nature, perfectionist, hardworking, determined, thoughtful, cautious, egocentric, loyal, fascinated by the weird, possessive, generous and may seem cold, aloof, distant and heartless.

To find out the traits of Uta's name, we'll add the letters (based on a table from 1-9), than add the vowels together, after that add the consonants and finally adding both the consonants and vowels.

  • Uta would be 3+2+1= 6
  • Vowels: 3+1= 4 this is his heart number
  • Consonants: 2 this is his expression number
  • 4+2=6 this is his personality number

Expression - relationships are important to such an extent that they look for perfection rather than enjoy what they have. They work in the background while someone else is in the spotlight.

Heart - prefers to stand in the shadows. They make the most of their abilities and talents to ensure that life runs smoothly. Can be relied on.

Personality - instinctive helper of others. Needs to be of service. They express this through their jobs. Perfectionists. Successful when self-employed. Loving.

Additionally, the master number 11 represents spiritual insights and revelations. It is linked to the planet Uranus, the sign Aquarius and its colors are sky blue, grey and silver.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Uta and the Number Eight


Uta seems to be related to the number right. His trump card is the eight of diamonds (in tarot it's the 8 of pentacles), he has two serpents intertwining into an 8 tattooed on his right arm and the sun/sunflower tattoo on his chest has 8 long points sticking out (the black points).

The number eight is an extremely powerful number linked with the material world, destiny and infinity. It's associated with the planet Saturn, the astrological sign Capricorn and dark colors such as charcoal grey and black (familiar? Uta's clothing are mostly dark grays and black). The number deals largely with business, success and wealth. It represents continuation, repetition and cycles.

The eight of diamonds (pentacles) symbolizes turning talents into money, beginning of a career that draws on a person's creative or artistic abilities. We know that Uta is a creative individual who enjoys art, music and creating things (masks). He is the owner of a mask making business (HySy Artmask Studio), creating masks for both humans and ghouls.

Uta's Flower Tattoos (part 2)

(Continuation, read part 1 here)

The sunflower is a symbol of the sun and is related to Clytie, a Greek water nymph. The tattoo on Uta’s chest can either be seen as a sun or a sunflower. These symbolize: spiritual attainment, flexibility, opportunity, luck, wealth, ambition, faith, longevity, healing, nourishment, focus, magic, worship, warmth, light, pleasure.

The sunflower’s colors are yellow and orange. Yellow symbolizes intellect, perception, self-awareness, personal evolution. Orange symbolizes creativity, fertility, reproduction, self-acceptance and self-confidence.


Uta seems to have a lotus flower design on the bottom of his right arm (it’s between the serpent bodies). This flower blossoms from sludgy waters and is a metaphor for life. The Egyptians held the lotus as the symbol of life, fertility, creation and the cycle of birth and rebirth. Buddhists saw it as a symbol of intuition, spirituality and higher knowing. The Buddha is often depicted with a lotus flower. Fun fact: in the extra of TG volume 12, Yomo calls Uta a Buddha because of his haircut. The flower is a tribute to water which is related to dreams, emotions and purification.

Cultural meanings for the lotus include the human heart, unmanifested potential, the process of universal creation, navigation (8 petals), awareness and rising out of chaos. Other meanings for the lotus are: life, grace, purity, beauty, clarity, victory, promise, passion, strength, ascension, style, giver of lessons, joy.


The last flower is located above the lotus on Uta’s right arm. The name Chrysanthemum derives from the Greek words chrysos (gold) and anthemon (flower). The color of the flower is white. White chrysanthemums symbolize honesty. White chrysanthemums are also symbolic of lamentation and/or grief in Japan, China and Korea.

In Japan it is a symbol of the Emperor and the Imperial family. A possible reference to Uta and the Clowns? Uta being the Emperor and the rest of the gang would be the imperial family.

Chrysanthemums symbolize: life of ease, powerful yang energy, luck, intuitive, active, amorous, associated with the heart Chakra, focus, wisdom.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Uta's Flower Tattoos (part 1)

Flower Tattoos

From what I can tell Uta has 5 flower designs in his tattoos: 1 on his left arm, 2 on his hands, and 2 on his left arm. We can say he has 6 including the one on his chest (it’s appearance can be taken as a sun or a sunflower). Looking at the designs they’re different types of flowers and all of them are white. Three of them are roses (hands, left arm), one is a lotus (bottom right arm) and the last one is a chrysanthemum (upper right arm). Each flower has a different meaning although some may be similar.

The general symbolism of flowers varies depending on the type of flower, the arrangement, the amount of flowers, colors and combination. Flowers mean: love, birth, unity, growth and connection.


Let’s start with the rose. Uta has three rose tattoos: one on each hand and one on his left arm. These indicate love, life, light. Each rose has a total of five petals. The number 5 means travel, adventure and motion. It also symbolizes instability, unpredictability and radical changes (his tattoos seem to have a lot to do with changes). The number five is associated with the wonder of life and the appreciation of the chaos surrounding us. Additionally, it means primitive and erratic.

The roses are all white in color. White flowers mean purity, cleansing, healing and clarity.

Roses are a symbol of powerful elements. It symbolizes: love, honor, faith, beauty, balance, passion, wisdom, intrigue, devotion, sensuality, timelessness, carrier of secrets, promise and new beginnings.

The rose can be found on four of the tarot cards: the magician, the fool, death and strength. All of these cards have to do with balance and equilibrium. The magician symbolizes power, action, awareness, application, resourcefulness. The uroboros is also present on this card (remember Uta has two serpents on his right arm and various circle designs which also symbolize uroboros). The fool symbolizes innocence, beginning, simplicity, fresh start and blind faith. Death symbolizes change, exposure, transition, termination, inevitability. The skull and sun are present on this card as well (Uta has a tattoo of the personification of death and a sun on his chest. He has numerous circle designs which symbolize the Sun). And strength symbolizes balance, strength, patience, courage, compassion, and understanding.

Uta's Chest Tattoo Meaning: Sun

Sun Tattoo

Let’s talk about Uta’s chest tattoo: the sun. The sun is the 19th card in the Tarot deck (I also read that Uta’s trump card is the 19th in the TG trump card deck, but I am not sure). The sun card is the most happy and positive in the deck. It represents joy, happiness and contentment. It symbolizes children - drawing closer to a child (Kaneki?). It also symbolizes fun, vitality, warmth, self-expression, and success. The sun is an image of optimism and fulfillment. It represents the source of life itself.

In upright position the card represents success, radiance and abundance. It gives strength, positive energy, happiness, joy, brings warmth to others, confidence, luck, wellness, enthusiasm, simplicity, freedom and liberation.

In the reversed position it represents temporary depression and lack of success.

On the card there is an image of a naked child - this means that he has nothing to hide (we know that Uta doesn’t hide many things, like the fact that he’s a ghoul).

There are some flowers that symbolize the sun. These are: lotus, rose, sunflower and chrysanthemum. If you look at Uta’s tattoo designs, many of them happen to resemble these flowers.

Now let’s talk about the sun symbols. The sun is represented by circles!

Uta has various circle designs in his tattoos. The circle means unity, wholeness, goddess, female power, and of course, the Sun. Various traditions linked the circle to the world serpent, the ouroboros. The ouroboros symbolizes eternity and the cycles of life (coincidentally Uta has two serpents tattooed on his right arm). 

In addition, Uta has various tattoos of circumpunct (circles with dots in the center). This represents the sun and the sun god Ra.These also symbolize gold, an unbiblical archangel named in Kabbalah, emotional restraints and a creative mind. It symbolizes the blending of female and male forces.

His chest tattoo has what seems to be two pillars in the center of the design. The pillars (as said before) represent the knowledge needed to gain immortality. In the Death tarot card, two pillars are guarding the gateway to the sun. They could also be serpents. These represent rebirth, protection against evil, sexuality, rain and fertility.

A fun fact: Uta’s sun tattoo has 8 long points sticking out. Uta’s trump card is the 8 of diamonds. Also, the two serpents on his right arm intertwines into an 8.

And a little endnote: sun tattoos symbolize life, strength, power, energy and rebirth

Uta's Neck Tattoo Meaning

Νεχ ποσσυμ τεχυμ ωιωερε, νεχ σινε τε.

Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te.

It's a Latin quote written in Greek. It says "I can neither live with you, nor without you" and it describes their (ghouls) relationship with humans.

Uta's Tattoo Meaning: Death

I was looking at them and I saw this on his right arm tattoo. I don't know how well you can see this on here. But if you look closer, you can clearly see he has a skull tattoo. But if you look even closer, it's the personification of Death.

The red areas mark his skull (with a crown of thorns) and hands/arms.
The orange areas mark his rib cage.
The green circle is the heart.

You can see the skull with a crown of thorns, two hands, a rib cage and you see that random white spot in the rib cage? It's in the shape of a heart. Clever heh. Now I'm just going to write down the meanings of the Death tarot card (which I got from a book I have BTW). The card in general means the ending of major phase of aspect of your life that brings a new beginning. It symbolizes significant transformation, change and transition. It's reversed meaning is to resist change.

The skull means humanity's mortality, change, transition, unwanted thoughts.

Now here comes the fun part. You can see on the card that death is holding a flag. The flag has a black background which symbolizes the absence of light. In the foreground there is a white Rose which symbolizes purity, promise, beauty and new beginnings.

Looks familiar right? On Uta's left arm he has a white flower with a black background which looks like a rose. Also on his right arm next to Death are two more patterns which also look like roses.

Uta's left arm tattoo. You can see it's a flower, possibly a rose.

Also, a little note to throw in. In the tarot card of death there is a sun in the background with two pillars. Uta has a tattoo on his chest similar to a sun which happens to have what seems to be two pillars in the center. This symbolizes the knowledge needed to gain immortality.